50 Ways to Leave Your Plastic

1. Bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store (or any store!).

2. Don't buy beverages bottles in plastic. Glass is great.

3. Carry your own reusable steel or ceramic beverage container. 

4. Gift stuff away! Then you’ll need fewer plastic storage containers.

5. Go to the farmer's market and purchase fresh fruits and veggies (not packaged in plastic).

6. Don't buy convenience foods packages in plastic.

7. Make your own bread or buy bread from bakeries that package in paper.

8. Clean with baking soda and vinegar instead of cleaners packaged in plastic.

9. Buy laundry detergent sheets (or detergent sold in boxes).

10. Buy farm fresh eggs in reusable paper containers.

11. Get your cheese from the deli and place it in your own container or get it wrapped in paper.

12. Buy your meat from the deli and have it wrapped in paper.

13. Package your leftovers in glass dishes.

14. Bring your own containers to restaurants to package leftovers.

15. Do not use air fresheners. Light a candle or incense instead.

16. If you purchase something bottled in glass, clean it and reuse it!

17. Buy bulk cereal.  Buy bulk anything.

18. Buy tortilla chips packaged in paper bags.

19. Buy bulk coffee packaged in paper or in cans, or bring your own bags.

20. Buy milk in paper cartons or glass jars.

21. Buy peanut butter that is packaged in glass containers.

22. Buy bar soap, not liquid body wash.

23. Compost your trash, reduce your use of plastic trash bags.

24. Line small trash bins in your house with paper bags.

25. When ordering drinks, say "no straw please!"

26. Buy real maple syrup (comes in glass bottles).

27. Don't use a plastic baggie. If you need to keep things like half an onion, use a glass container.

28. Use cloth rags for clean up around the house, no paper towels – reduces your trash and need for trash bags.

29. Use matches instead of plastic encased lighters.

30. Use cloth napkins. They feel nice and reduce your waste and use of plastic trash bags.

31. Put empty cardboard boxes in your car to transport heavy items to and from your car without a bag.

32. Say "paper not plastic" at the grocery store.

33. Don't use plastic cutting boards. Use wood or glass.

34. Use paper to stuff into big packages to ship instead of bubble wrap or air-filled plastic.

35. Use real silverware for parties instead of plastic.

36. Use rechargeable batteries to reduce buying batteries packaged in plastic.

37. Make a compost heap to reduce your food waste and put it back into the earth.

38. Stop using bottled water.

39. Switch to bamboo handled toothbrushes.

40. Spend the extra for a metal, electric fan.

41. Avoid plastic flower pots.

42. Use metal bowls for pets.

43. Try to avoid plastic in shoes.  Look for natural fibers, including rubber.

44. Learn to give plastic free gifts.

45. Bring your own produce bags to the grocery.

46. Don’t use disposable razors.

47. Try natural beeswax coated cloth wraps instead of plastic cling.

48. Opt for cotton, wool, hemp or other natural fiber clothing.

49.  Avoid plastic holiday décor.

50. Like…how many disposable, plastic ink pens do you really need?