Environmentally Aware - Green Home Office Tips
Recycle all your paper (Americans recycled 42M tons of paper in 2006, 50% of what they used, so 900M trees per year become pulp and paper)
2. Buy recycled paper (it takes 60% less energy to produce than virgin paper)
3. Turn off your computer when idle (sleep mode if necessary)
4. Maximize your laptop’s battery life and minimize power usage (plug in the charging cable only when the battery drops to 20% charge or less)
5. Remove yourself from catalog mailing lists (most companies made this as easy as a single click or phone menu option)
6. Switch to paperless records (especially for bills or banking statements)
7. Recycle electronics (the EPA estimates that more than 2M tons of electronic hardware end up in landfills each year)
Awareness is the beginning. Then comes behavior.
Then others notice your behavior and are inspired.
Then we get to cherish and enjoy and preserve our beautiful Earth.
Awareness is the beginning.